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Western Nebraska Football Club

Western Nebraska's Premier Recreational and Competitive Soccer Program

Constitution and Bylaws

Board of Directors

Director/President: Nate Rock

Secretary:  Sally Mitchell

Vice President:  Bridget Peck

Club Coach: Nate Rock

Treasurer: Randy Wentz

Registrar: Tiah Alvizar

Recruitment/Media Specialist: Beth Case

Tournament Director: Open

Director of Competitive Play: Open

Director of Recreational Play: Open

Sponsorship/Fundraising Coordinator: Phil Holliday

Fields Directors: Jesus Villagrana and Anthony Parra

Referee Coordinator: Ruth Johnson

At large member: Scott Powell

At large member: Stevie Jara



The Constitution of Western Nebraska Football Club



Article I: Name

The club shall be known as the Western Nebraska Football Club (WNFC)


Article II: Purpose

The purpose of this club is to promote and encourage the knowledge of the game and improve level of play by providing enthusiastic and outstanding players with the opportunity to experience the highest levels of competition and as a result build skill, confidence, team spirit and good sportsmanship.


Article III:  Affiliation

This club will be affiliated with the Nebraska State Soccer Association (NSSA), and subject to its constitution and bylaws, and that of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF), and that of the United States Youth Soccer Association (US Youth Soccer).


Article IV: Colors

The organization colors for the Recreational league are not mandated. The shirt colors provided by the vendor with whom the shirts are ordered will be acceptable. The colors for the select team shall be predominately Black or White with the secondary color being green if so desired.


Article V: Divisions

Competitive: This club shall compete in under-6 boys and girls through uner-19 boys and girls.

Recreational: This club shall compete in under-6 boys and girls through under-19 boys and girls.


Article VI: Membership

Membership shall be open to individuals interested in Club activities, including players, parents of players, and any other adults whether or not they have a child playing. Herein and hereafter the term “parents” includes biological parents and legal guardians. The criterion for active membership in WNFC shall be registration with WNFC, and by extension, NSSA. Registration with NSSA is effective for only one year, so registration with WNFC/NSSA must be renewed annually.


Article VII: Officers/Executive Board

The officers of this club shall consist of:

1.      President

2.      Vice-President

3.      Secretary

4.      Treasurer

5.      Immediate Past President/Special Advisor

The board at any regular meeting may fill vacancies thereof.

Article VIII: Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of:

1.      All officers designated in Article VII

2.      Director of Competitive Play

3.      Director of Recreational Play (appointed)

4.      Two at large team representatives

5.      Club Coach (appointed)

6.      Recruitment/Media Specialist (appointed)

7.      Sponsorship/Fundraiser Coordinator (appointed)

8.      Referee Coordinator (appointed)

9.      Tournament Director

10.  Fields Director

11.  Registrar

Article IX: Executive Board

The officers of this club comprise the Executive Board.


Article X: Meetings

1.      Annual Meeting

2.      Monthly board meetings

3.      Tournaments meetings

4.      Special meetings determined by officers

5.      Coaches meetings

Article XI: Rules of Order

All meetings will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, current revision.

Article XII: Quorum

A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum with respect to all matters to be voted upon by this club.

Should a quorum not be declared at a monthly meeting, the meeting may be held and then the minutes submitted at the next monthly meeting at which a quorum is present the minutes of the meeting may then be approved or disapproved by the quorum.

Article XIII: Elections

Elections will be held every year.  The Vice President, Treasurer, One at large competitive representative, Club Coach and Tournament Director will be elected on the even years except Immediate Past President and President, and will serve for two (2) years. The Secretary, Director of Competitive play, Director of Recreational Play and one at large competitive representative will be elected on odd years and will serve for two (2) years.  All nominations should be made in writing to the Vice President one (1) month before annual meeting.  Nominations will also be accepted form the floor at annual meeting.  All above positions will have one (1) vote each competitive team will have one (1) vote.  Officers of the Club may be officers of other leagues and associations.



Article XIV:  Leagues

The Western Nebraska Football Club may belong to any league as long as they are in good standing with the NSSA, US Youth Soccer and USSF.


Article XV:  Travel

All coaches and players should be aware that travel to tournaments in state and out of state is part of the Western Nebraska Football Club (WNFC).  WNFC must approve all tournaments.  Any WNFC teams may compete in the Nebraska Sate Cup Competition, if possible.  Any team winning the Nebraska State Cup will be required to play in regional competition, that team will be responsible for any fines that WNFC must pay.


Article: XVI:  Amendments

Amendments to the constitution shall be made at the Annual Meeting or a special meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of voting members in attendance.  Any proposed amendments or changes must be submitted to the secretary of the club prior to such meeting to meet member notification requirements.  Secretary of the club shall mail such proposed amendments of changes not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting to all voting members.


Article XVII: Bylaws

The Bylaws of the Western Nebraska Football Club shall define in detail:

1.      Duties of all officers and Board of Directors

2.      Voting rights of all members

3.      Responsibilities of committees

4.      The daily general business

5.      The duties and responsibilities of coaches, players and other members.



Article XVIII: Distribution of Property upon Dissolution

Upon dissolution of this club, the officers shall, after making provisions for all liabilities, dispose of all assets exclusively for the purpose, of the club in such a manner, or to such organization(s) organized or conducted exclusively for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE LAW      then in effect), as the officers shall determine.


Adopted by a majority vote of the Board of Directors this ______ day of _____, ______

                                                                                    President: _____________________


                                                                                    Secretary: _____________________







100.00                         Officers and Duties

            .01                   President

                  The duties of the President shall include the following:

a)      Operate and preside over the club.

b)      Establish the agenda and preside over all meetings.

c)      Enforce the constitution, bylaws and such rules and regulations that may be enacted by club.

d)      Call such meetings as herein provided to be called.

e)      Appoint all committees subject to approval by the club.

            .02                   Vice –President

                    The duties of the Vice-President shall include the following:

a)      Perform the duties of the President in the event of the latter’s absence or disability

b)      Preside as chairperson of the grievance and the rules committees.

c)      Handle the nominations for officers at the annual meeting.

d)      Run the election of officers at the annual meeting.

            .03                   Secretary

                     The duties of the Secretary shall include the following:

a)      Keep and publish minutes of all meetings.

b)      Giver proper notice of all meetings.

c)      Sign all documents requiring the signature of the secretary.

d)      Perform such others duties as usually pertain to the office of secretary.

            .04                   Treasurer

                        The duties of the Treasurer shall include the following:

a)      Keep detailed accounts of all receipts and payments concerning the club.

b)      Provide monthly ad annual financial reports as directed by the president of the club.

c)      Assist the president in preparing the annual budget.

d)      Dispense funds for payments of all authorized debts.

e)      The Treasurer will facilitate an annual audit conducted by a person or entity not associated with Board.

            .05                   Immediate Past President/Special Advisor

                         The duties of the Immediate Past President/Special Advisor shall include the                                  following:

a)      Insure that there is continuity in club policy.

                        Act as a resource to the board.

101.0                           Duties of Additional Board Members


.01                   Director of Competitive Play

                        The duties of the Director of Competitive play shall include the following:

a)      Presides over coaches meetings.

b)      Sets the tournament schedule for the season.

c)      Oversees tryouts and player placement as outlined in bylaws and defined by the Board of directors.

d)      Act as a liaison between coaches and the Board of Directors.

e)      Be responsible for all information regarding tournaments.

.02                   Director of Recreational Play

                        The duties of the Director of Competitive play shall include the following:

f)       Presides over coaches meetings.

g)      Sets the schedule for the season.

h)      Oversees player placement as outlined in bylaws and defined by the Board of directors.

i)        Act as a liaison between coaches and the Board of Directors.

j)        Be responsible for all information regarding recreational play.

            .03                   Club Coach

                        The duties of the Club Coach shall include the following:

a)      Be responsible for the recruiting of coaches.  The Board at the next monthly meeting must approve coaches selected.

b)      Be responsible for the development of the coaches and players

c)      Be responsible for conducting coach’s license upgrade programs and education and training.

d)      Be responsible for players being added to existing teams.

e)      Be responsible for the development and maintenance of the clubs coach/player handbook.

                        The Club Coach  shall possess a USSF “D” or NSCAA Advanced Regional National                           coaching license or the equivalent and shall have been an active coach for two                             (2) of the last three (3) years prior to election.



  .04                 Recruitment/Media Specialist

The Duties of the Recruitment/Media Specialist shall include the following:

a)       The Recruitment/Media Specialist shall be responsible for all marketing messaging on the WNFC Website. 

b)      Club wide tryouts marketing messaging, managing outbound marketing messaging and preparing PR releases to local newspapers, and social media based on Board approval.

c)       The Recruitment/Media Specialist shall be responsible for advertising, branding, merchandising and marketing vendor selection and management.

  .05                 Sponsorship/Fundraiser Coordinator

The Duties of the Sponsorship/Fundraiser Coordinator shall include the following:

a)      All fund raising activities for the Club.

b)      The Fundraising Manager shall be responsible for all fundraising efforts and sponsorship effort.

c)      These responsibilities include the Panhandle Cup, the recreational season, jersey sponsors for both select and recreational, and all efforts to raise funds and sponsorships.

d)      She/he shall also be the liaison between WNFC and any other Board-approved soccer affiliation.


   .06                Referee Coordinator

            The Duties of the Referee Coordinator shall include the following:

a)      The Referee Coordinator shall facilitate the assignment of qualified referees to WNFC sponsored games, WNFC friendlies, jamborees or other matches as required by its members and in conjunction with the WNFC Field Director.

b)      The assignment will be within WNFC, or referee alliance of which WNFC may be a part.

c)      The Referee Coordinator shall arrange at least annually, training for current or prospective WNFC referees; keep the Membership updated on key advances or changes to the interpretations and applications of the Laws of the Game.


            .07                   Tournament Director

                        The duties of the Tournament Director shall include the following:

a)      Supervise and direct all activities associated with WNFC sponsored tournaments

            .08                   Fields Director

                        The duties of the Fields Director shall include the following:

a)      Responsible for negotiations with other users of soccer complex concerning scheduling of soccer complex.

b)      Acts as liaison between WNFC and the City of Scottsbluff for issues of use and maintenance of the soccer complex.

c)      Insures the safety of the grounds to be used by WNFC players and teams.

d)      Provides for field lining and related procurement and maintenance of nets, flags, goals and other related field components.

  .09                 Registrar

                        The duties of the Registrar shall include the following:

a)      Insure that all players are properly registered.

b)      Be responsible for distributing the schedules to coaches.



200.00                         Voting Rights of Members

            .01       With Respect to all meetings relating to the Board of Directors while in monthly,                          special, executive or committee meetings, the Officers or Board Members                                    obliged to attend shall be entitled to one (1) vote on each matter.  No officer                                shall be permitted to vote for any absent Officer or Board member.

            .02       Players and parents shall be represented at the annual meeting by one team                                representative per team.  The team coach may be the team representative.  The                          team representative shall be responsible for representing the interests of their                          team at the annual meeting and shall be entitled to one (1) vote at the annual                          meeting.



300.00                         Responsibilities of Committees

301.00                         Ethics and Grievance

                        The grievance committee will be seated for a one-year term and be made up of                the Vice-President as chairperson or the Club coach in the absence of the Vice-          President.  The President, if not otherwise involved, will be authorized to appoint the    Club coach as chairperson but will do so only in the absence of the Vice-President and           only when such absence will exceed one (1) week.  The committee will consist of        five      members: The Vice-President, Club Coach, the Director of Competitive Play and          two      other members as selected by the Vice-President and the Club Coach.  Up to three other   members can be assigned if the Vice-President and/or the Club Coach and subjects of      the grievance.

                        All grievances must be filed with the Vice-President of WNFC with in seven (7)                  days for a match –related grievance or within sixty (60) days if non-match related.  All grievances must be made in writing and be accompanied with a $10 check made out to         WNFC.  IF the grievance Committee rules in favor of the plaintiff the check will be        returned.  If the grievance is ruled against, the money will be deposited into the      traveling fund for WNFC.

                        This committee shall function as a board of discipline for charges or allegations    made against players, coaches, parents of players and others involved with WNFC          except duly elected officers of the club.  All grievances and disciplinary actions will be   acted upon with in seventy-two (72) hours following the receipt of written notification by the Grievance Committee Chairman if grievance or charge or allegation requiring    committee action.

  .01                             Conduct

                        NSSA bylaws, rules XII (12) and XIII (13) will be used as a guideline for all   expulsions form games and suspensions.  The provisions of these bylaw, however, will not limit the ability of WNFC to further discipline, suspend, dismiss or otherwise      penalize members of the organization for conduct deemed unsuitable, or not in the best           interest of the club.

                        Unsuitable or conduct not in the best interest of the club as defined as, but not                            limited to:

a)      Any unsportsmanlike act, whether penalized by other authority of not, before, after or during a match.

b)      Acting, dressing or behaving in any matter that would bring discredit to the club.

c)      Failure to follow directions of Coaches, or others representing the Club while on a trip, or engaged in any activity representing WNFC.

d)      Committing, condoning or failure to report and illegal acts by self or others representing WNFC.

e)      Physical, emotional or other abuse of players.

                        Actions taken by the officers of the club pursuant to discipline for any of               the above or other qualified activities should be guided by recommendations                             form  the grievance committee acting as the board of discipline.

.02                               Rules of Play

                        WNFC will follow the rules of the game of soccer as promulgated by the    Federation International de Football Association as modified by the United States Soccer       Federation, the United States Youth Soccer Association, the Nebraska State Soccer            Association and League affiliates.


401.0                           Meetings

     .01                                       Monthly Meetings

                        The Board shall establish the date, time and place of the monthly meetings

      .02                                      Monthly Meetings Order of Business

                        All standard monthly meetings will follow the agenda listed below:

a)      Call to order- by President

b)      Roll Call –by Secretary

c)      Reading of Minutes of last meeting(s)-by Secretary

d)      Treasurer’s Report and authorization of disbursements

e)      Officer’s Reports

f)       Committee Reports

g)      Old Business New Business

h)      Adjournment

                        Monthly meeting agenda may be set aside by a majority vote of those members                          present at the meeting.


         .03                                   Annual Meeting

a)      There will be an Annual Meeting of the Club in January at a date, time and place designated by the Board.

b)      The Secretary shall notify, in writing or by email, all voting members of WNFC as to the date, time and place of the meeting at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

1.      Annual Reports shall be presented to at the meeting, in writing, by each officer and each committee which shall include the following: Name(s) and address (s) of the officers and committee members.

2.      Report in chronological order the events of that office or committee with the previous year.

3.      State the problems or conflicts of the preceding year.

4.      State the goals for the coming year and possible solutions to any problems.

5.      Budget presentation and approval.

6.      Tournament balloting and selection for the coming summer season.

            .04                               Annual General Meeting Order of Business

                        The order of business for the Annual Meeting will follow the same agenda as                                monthly meetings, except:

a)      Old business and new business will be deleted.

b)      Election of Officers and Consideration of proposed Constitutional changes would be added.

            .05                               Parent/Team Meetings

                        For the all competitive play, all coaches of the Club shall have a parent meeting    with parents of team members no later than July 31st.

                        Coaches are responsible for furnishing game schedules, game site location, time of games, travel maps/instructions and any other such information necessary to assure        arrival of players to a team or game site 30 minutes prior to game time.  This includes tournament matches.  Coaches may delegate authority to a designee, such as a team         member parent, to perform these actions; however the coach has the final    responsibility for these actions.

410.0                                       Fiscal Responsibility

                        Checks of disbursement of WNFC funds shall be signed by the Treasurer and the             President, or in the absence of the President, the Vice-President.  The President may       authorize disbursements.  The following guidelines will dictate the financial management of the club:

1.      All revenue must be properly receipted and deposited.

2.      Club will maintain any petty cash funds.

3.      Separation of duties. Revenues will be collected by one member of the club and deposited by a different member of the club.

4.      Bank statements will be reconciled by the Treasurer and reviewed and approved by the full board.

5.      All expenditures must be approved by the Board of Executive Committee.

6.      All disbursements must be properly receipted.

7.      All disbursements will be made from the checking account (no cash payments).

8.      All checks will require two signatures.

411.0                                       Financial Support to Players

            .01                                           Inability to Pay

                        WNFC’s primary purpose is to further competitive youth soccer.  No player who   otherwise qualifies will be denied a playing position based upon inability to pay.  Such          financial support will be documented by the head coach of the team concerned and            validated by the Club Coach and presented to the next monthly meeting for approval.          The Board of Directors shall approve amount of financial support.

420.0                                       Players Tryouts (Select Program)

            .01       Persons seeking to become players on WNFC teams shall appear at a time and                             place designated by WNFC for such tryouts.

                        The persons shall also pay such fees as WNFC stipulates as “tryout fees”.

            .02       Tryouts will be conducted under the following guidelines:

a)      Evaluators for tryouts will include:

1.      The Team Coach in consultation with

2.      The Club Coach and Director of  Competitive play

b)      Tryouts will consist of any drill, skill demonstration or physical activity deemed appropriate by the Team Coach.

                        The evaluators with approval of the Club Coach, shall assign all players selected                            at tryouts to the team they are best suited to playing on.  Coaches may hold                                 open positions on their team for:

a)      Known incoming players who can logically be expected to pass tryouts; or

b)      For potential but unknown players that may arrive or register for late tryouts.  In the event that a player is not evaluated at a scheduled tryout, he or she may obtain a tryout with a specific team based upon a request form the head coach of that team.

Tryouts shall be scheduled by open invitation no later than July 15th. Interested parties shall be invited to no less than 2 weeks of practice     prior to any formal tryout.  WNFC strongly encourages Team Coaches to keep all interested and cooperative parties to the team practice roster throughout the season.  The age appropriate child of the Team Coach shall automatically have a position on the team.

            .03       The Board of Directors at the February  meeting shall determine the team and                              age groups for coming competitive season.  Team Coaches for these teams shall                          also be approved.  The Club Coach and Director of Competitive Play shall                                              propose a slate of appropriate coaches to the Board (Generally U8, U10, U12,                                    U14, U16, U19 with current teams grand-fathered)

421.0                                       Coach Selection

                        Coaches seeking to coach must apply in writing to WNFC and provide any                                     information requested by WNFC.  Coaches must complete any paperwork                                     required by the Nebraska State Soccer Association.

423.0                                       Team Makeup

                        Teams shall not have more than 2 out of region players (def) on their travelling                            roster.

425.0                                       Players Playing Up

                        A player playing-up is defined as a player in one USSF established age group, i.e.,                          under-12 playing in a higher USSF age group i.e. under-14.  WNFC shall act in                                accordance with US Youth Soccer guidelines.  The club shall reserve the right                                to final determination, on an individual basis, as to whether or not a “play-                           up” is allowed.  The permission to play-up may be granted by majority vote of                           the WNFC Board of Directors who shall act           upon recommendation of the Club                            Coach.

430.00                                     Tournament Schedule

                        The tournament schedule for WNFC shall be selected a the annual meeting in                               January.  A slate of prospective tournaments will be presented by the Director of                         Competitive Play to the Voting Membership and a schedule determined by                                   simple majority vote.  Exemptions to the tournament schedule may be granted                            on a team-by-team basis by the Director of Competitive play.

440.00                                     Registration

                        Players shall be registered to the Western Nebraska Football Club in accordance                          with USSF/US Youth Soccer procedures.

450.00                                     Assessment of Fees

                        The officers and Board of Directors of WNFC will determine the registration fee                            for players and/or teams at the time of registration.

460.00                                     Equipment Procurement

                        The equipment manager shall obtain cost estimates or bids from at least three                             (3) different sources for any equipment purchase exceeding $100 value.  The                                cost estimates or bids shall be presented to the Board of Directors for approval                                    at a monthly meeting.  Such approval shall be simple majority vote of the                                               members present. The equipment manager may also grant by a special meeting                                 called for the purpose or by telephone poll of voting members by the President                          or Vice-President, or in their absence, approval.  A telephone poll will be                                         validated by a vote at the next monthly meeting.

                        One-time purchases, not exceeding $100, may be made in such instance where                            time and circumstances does not all ow for meeting or telephone polls.  For                                 example, a coach at a tournament or competition must have a piece of                                         equipment to play.  The coach may purchase up to $100 and submit the bill with                          justification for approval at the next monthly meeting.

491.00                                     Bylaws

                        Amendments to the bylaws shall be made at the annual meeting, or at a special                           meeting called by the President. Changes in the bylaws require a two-thirds (2/3)                         majority vote of the voting members of WNFC.  All proposed amendments or                               changes must be submitted to the Secretary of the club prior to such meetings to                        meet notification requirements.  The Secretary of the club shall mail such                                               proposed amendments or changes not less than thirty (30) days prior to the                         meeting to all voting members.

500.00                                     Duties and Responsibilities of Members

            .01                               Coaches

                        Coaches will be responsible for the proper instruction of soccer at the age level                they are coaching keeping in mind that WNFC will possess a coaching license within     twelve (12) months after being designated a WNFC Club Coach.  Failure to comply may         result in the removal of the subject coach.  All coaches are encouraged to upgrade their            license to the “D” level or NSCAA Advanced Regional as soon as possible.  Coaches will           coach for at least one (1) year.  Coaches are expected to behave in a professional and         exemplary manner at all times.  For example, WNFC coaches should defer from having             verbal altercations with referees, game officials, or fans.  The club, through proper           channels, will handle all protests and grievances.


            .02                               Players

                        All players under the age of 10 will be accepted for membership regardless of       their skill level.  Under 11 membership and up will be composed of chosen players who       have been evaluated and/or gone through a tryout system as determined by the            coaches and officers.  Players are responsible for the cost of travelling, and tournament         fees.

            .03                               Equipment Manager

                        The equipment manager shall be appointed by the President and approved by      the Board of Directors and shall be responsible to the Board of Directors.  The   equipment manager shall be responsible for purchasing and all uniforms, nets, balls and        all  other equipment necessary  for WNFC teams to play the game

            .04                               Team Representative

                        Each team shall have a designated representative and alternate, one of who will attend all meetings.  The team representative is responsible for newsletter articles   about the team and functioning as an information conduit between the team and the Board of Directors.  The team representative shall have one vote at the annual meeting         and shall represent the best interests of their team.

.05                               Fund –Raising Chairperson

                        Fundraising is a necessity.  The fund-raising chairperson is responsible for meeting at the beginning of each season with representatives from each WNFC team.  This committee will organize fund-raising activity to benefit WNFC.  It will also approve non corporate fundraising activities by individual teams.  The chairperson will disseminate all needed information to team representatives, secure needed materials for sale and collect all moneys from the activity.


Adopted by a majority vote of the Board of Directors this ______ day of _____, ______

                                                                                    President: _____________________


                                                                                    Secretary: _____________________









Contact Us

Western Nebraska Football Club

PO Box 1591 
Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363

Phone: 308-631-9003
Email: [email protected]

Western Nebraska Football Club

PO Box 1591 
Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69363

Phone: 308-631-9003
Email: [email protected]
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